We are so humbled and grateful that God does not “call the qualified,” but “qualifies the called.” Every believer has gifts and talents according to Ephesians 4:11 for Christ himself has equipped His people for acts of service. Last Call 4 Grace provides an avenue where believers can grow in those gifts and talents while serving some of the most vulnerable in Murfreesboro.
We carry grace, hope, and encouragement as we go out and serve those in our community. We do this by sharing “Our Story” of where Christ has brought us from to where we are today. Out of the mire and upon the solid foundation! Sharing our testimony provides an opportunity for others to know they are not alone in what they are going through (Romans 12:11). The guilt and shame someone feels over their life choices lessen when we are vulnerable and transparent with our own lives.
We deliver hot meals, food boxes, personal hygiene, and clothing twice a week to those we serve with a widespread quarterly outreach as well.